The sixth week was mainly focused on improving the code structure as well as implementation of the LayoutContext for fCoSE layout algorithm in the plugin.


  • Generate a layout context for the fCoSE layout algorithm.
  • Implement TunableValidator for the layout context.
  • Get the parameters for the layout from the user using Tunable.
  • Dynamically generate the layout request using the parameters from the user.

Experiments with code

  • Implement TunableValidator for the layout context to validate the parameters for the layout.
package org.cytoscape.sample.internal;



public class CustomLayoutContext  implements TunableValidator {

	public boolean randomize = true; // Default value
	@Tunable(description="Node Dimensions Include Labels")
	public boolean nodeDimensionsIncludeLabels= true;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Uniform Node Dimensions")
	public boolean uniformNodeDimensions= false;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Pack Components")
	public boolean packComponents= true;// Default value
	public boolean tile= true;// Default value

	public int padding= 30;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Node Repulsion")
	public int nodeRepulsion= 4500;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Ideal Edge Length")
	public int idealEdgeLength= 50;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Edge Elasticity")
	public double edgeElasticity= 0.45;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Nesting Factor")
	public double nestingFactor= 0.1;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Number of Iterations")
	public int numIter= 2500;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Tiling Padding Vertical")
	public int tilingPaddingVertical= 10;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Tiling Padding Horizontal")
	public int tilingPaddingHorizontal= 10;// Default value
	public double gravity= 0.25;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Gravity Range")
	public double gravityRange= 3.8;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Gravity Compound")
	public double gravityCompound= 1;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Gravity Range Compound")
	public double gravityRangeCompound= 1.5;// Default value
	@Tunable(description="Initial Energy On Incremental")
	public double initialEnergyOnIncremental= 0.3;// Default value

	public ValidationState getValidationState(final Appendable errMsg) {
		return ValidationState.OK;


  • The TunableValidator interface is used to validate the parameters for the layout.
  • The Tunable annotation is used to get the parameters from the user.
  • The LayoutContext is used to get and set the parameters for the layout from the user.
  • The layout context along with the tunable parameters generate a GUI for the user to input the parameters in a user friendly way.


Successful implementation of the layout context for the fCoSE layout algorithm in the plugin to get the user entered parameters.

JSONObject layoutOptions = new JSONObject();
layoutOptions.put("name", "fcose");
layoutOptions.put("randomize", myContext.randomize);
layoutOptions.put("padding", myContext.padding);
layoutOptions.put("nodeDimensionsIncludeLabels", myContext.nodeDimensionsIncludeLabels);
layoutOptions.put("uniformNodeDimensions", myContext.uniformNodeDimensions);
layoutOptions.put("packComponents", myContext.packComponents);
layoutOptions.put("nodeRepulsion", myContext.nodeRepulsion);
layoutOptions.put("idealEdgeLength", myContext.idealEdgeLength);
layoutOptions.put("edgeElasticity", myContext.edgeElasticity);
layoutOptions.put("nestingFactor", myContext.nestingFactor);
layoutOptions.put("numIter", myContext.numIter);
layoutOptions.put("tile", myContext.tile);
layoutOptions.put("tilingPaddingVertical", myContext.tilingPaddingVertical);
layoutOptions.put("tilingPaddingHorizontal", myContext.tilingPaddingHorizontal);
layoutOptions.put("gravity", myContext.gravity);
layoutOptions.put("gravityRange", myContext.gravityRange);
layoutOptions.put("gravityCompound", myContext.gravityCompound);
layoutOptions.put("gravityRangeCompound", myContext.gravityRangeCompound);
layoutOptions.put("initialEnergyOnIncremental", myContext.initialEnergyOnIncremental);