The first week was fairly informative. Following is a list of my learnings this week:

  • Learned quite a lot about how the Cytoscape apps work and how they are written.
  • Running cytoscape in debug mode and listening to the debug port from intellij by setting up debug configurations.
  • OSGi model and how cytoscape uses it to structure the software.
  • How to write OSGi configurations.
  • How to add the instance of the cytoscape app in the menu bar of cytoscape.
  • How nodes and networks are modeled in cytoscape.
  • Following things related to Nodes in networks
    • Creating nodes
    • Naming the nodes
    • Creating edges
    • Node table entries
  • Following things related to cytoscape apps
    • Tasks
    • Task factories
    • Network views
    • Network managers

Further i plan to take a look at how cytoscape exports networks in the form of cytoscape.js json file.